Report Settings

Report Settings in the Presento Ribbon Tab


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Other Settings

Presento report Settings Form

Attach a worksheet to each slide

When using this setting, a workbook will be created for each slide where you have to link data from a worksheet. Use this when you want to automate the reporting. Create Lookup Tables and Ranges and Linked Ranges from the original data in the worksheet attached to the slide. The next report (e.g. next period), you only have to use the 'Replace Worksheets' function to replace the old data with the new data and you can refresh the whole report with the new data in one click.


Chart Data Source

You can choose if you want the data added to the chart by writing the values directly to the series or by using the workbook. By using the workbook, it takes longer to write data to the chart and it is possible for readers of the presentation to change the data.