The Data Editor

We divide our Data Editor in a *Variable View' and a 'Data View'. Click the 'Data Editor' button to open the window.

Data Editor Video

Like all other cross-tab tools, OfficeReports organizes data in variables. In the 'Variable View', you get an overview of all the variables and categories. You can edit and recode existing variables and categories. The 'original' variables have a red icon, the recoded variables have a blue icon. In the 'Data View' you can see and edit all the observations in the dataset.

Important: In case you want to import more data in the same workbook at a later time, we recommend not to change the variable names. These are used to match the import file to the current data in OfficeReports!

The Data editor Form

Variables and Categories

OfficeReports works with Categorical Variables (Category Variable icon), Numerical Variables (Numeric variable icon), Date Variables (Date variable icon)and Text Variables (Text variable icon). Note: Derived Variables have a blue icon.

Select a Variable or a Category and you can change all the properties like name, text and other settings on the right side of the window.

Note: By defining 'Default Table Settings' for often used variables you can save a lot of time creating tables.

Read more about editing the different types of variables:

Recoding Variables

The top menu bar in the Variable View contains functionality for recoding. You can also select one or more variables in the list (use the Shift and Ctrl keys) and right-click to get a context menu. Read more about Recoding Variables.

Video: Working with the variables - Introduction


Data View

Clicking 'Data View' will let you see all answers (observations) for each respondent (case).

Data View in the Data Editor

Note: In case you have selected multiple variables in the 'Variable View', then only these variables will be visible in the 'Data View'.


Click 'Set Filter' to add a filter to the data view.

Edit the Data

All original variables can be edited. Derived variables are based on formulas and cannot be edited. To edit the data, select a cell and type the new value and press 'Enter' when you are done. For Categories, you can key-in the sequence number of the category you want. When changing back to the 'Variable View' or when closing the window you will be asked if you want to save the changes.

Delete Interviews (cases)

You can delete cases by selecting one or more complete rows (click in the first column (ORid) and use the Shift and Ctrl key if you want to select multiple cases) and then press the 'Delete' key on your keyboard.

Video: How to delete a case/interview/record

Export Data

It is possible to Export the visible data to both Excel and SPSS . This is mostly used to add more information to the export and then import it back again. The export will contain the variable 'ORid' which can be used as unique variable for merging the data back into the OfficeReports Database.